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Cervico-Thoracic Spine Indicating Neck and Back Pain

Neck and Back Pain

How Can Chiropractic Help?

Neck and back pain are the leading cause of disability not just in the US, but worldwide. A study found on Back Pain says “Spinal manipulation (adjustments) inhibits back and neck pain partly through spinal segmental mechanisms and potentially through peripheral mechanisms regulating inflammatory responses.”


Pain is directly related to the nervous system. The reason we feel pain is because when there is damage to tissues (bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, organs, or even a nerve itself), the nerves connected to those tissues send messages through the nerve, up the spinal cord and to the brain alerting it of damage somewhere in the body. What the brain sends back to the damaged area, is pain to avoid more damage.


Pain is a warning signal for the body that there is an injury. It may be a micro injury, such as wear and tear overtime from a dysfunctional joint, or a larger injury like a car accident. Wherever your pain is, whether it is in the neck, back, knee, or an organ, if left untreated the more stress your body will be under. This can lead to chronic health problems such as high blood pressure, depression, or anxiety. Furthermore, pain will cause a loss of strength, flexibility, and balance.  


Thankfully, there is ALWAYS a cause to pain, and with the proper chiropractic assessment and exam, the pain can be traced back to the cause. I follow the signs and symptoms the nervous system is showing to find the root of the problem, correct it, and leave the healing for your body to do!  

If you have neck or back pain that is not getting any better, give me a call to get back to doing the things you love without pain! 



X-Ray Results
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