Neuropathy is just a fancy word for pain, numbness, and tingling who’s origin is from a nerve. Whichever nerve is involved, it is irritated in some way, and the inflammation from the irritated nerve is causing traveling pain, numbness, tingling, or all 3 typically down to the arm, hand, leg, foot, and sometimes down the back or around the chest. The area where the neuropathy is felt in most cases will not be the same area as the source of the irritation. The inflammation of the nerve begins at the spine, where the nerve is susceptible to irritation/inflammation even though the pain may be elsewhere.
When looking at a chart of the human nervous system, depending on where the neuropathy is, we can trace this back to the spine where the nerves emerge from between the spinal bones. The tool I use in the office, called a nervoscope, will pick up on heat from the inflammation of a nerve and reveal which nerve is affected. When this aligns with the symptoms of neuropathy, the proper bone will be adjusted, and the body can heal since the cause of the irritation of the nerve will be gone.
For Diabetic Neuropathy, the cause is slightly different. Chiropractic CAN still help with diabetic neuropathy, but treatment may vary slightly due to the systemic approach to care.